

Well-lit spacious, colourful, air-conditioned classrooms with attached child friendly washrooms. Classrooms are furnished with aesthetically and ergonomically designed furniture which promotes group learning and brings all the students in close proximity to the teacher. All classrooms have interactive smart boards having latest technology wherein the entire day’s activity can be recorded and sent to the parents of absentees.

IT Lab

The IT Lab is well-equipped with forty computers as well as an Interactive smart board. There are forty work stations in the lab so that each student has an access to one computer. All the computers are intra connected through LAN as well as the servers to access the internet and the school’s ERP.

Maths Lab

The maths lab has furniture with mathematical facts engraved on them. It is well equipped with manipulatives to make mathematics fun-filling and enriching experience.

Reading Island in the class

Each class has reading islands in the form of a bus, hut and a bench which are well stocked with story books. This will inculcate the fast deteriorating habit of reading which will widen the horizon of the pupils.

Stair treads with multiplication tables

Putting maths facts on the stair treads will help the school to take a big ‘step’ to make learning maths easier and more visual for students since they will be seeing the equations right at their feet every day. This unusual place will make maths facts more exciting than on a wall or any other location.

Transport Facilities

The school has an arrangement with Urban Paribahan Services Pvt.Ltd. for a fleet of GPS enabled buses with CCTV surveillance inside the buses along with tracking system. This system sends SMS to the parents when the students alight from the vehicles in the school campus and again when they board the bus from the school. The parents can track the bus live on route.

Two compounds

The morning assembly is conducted in the compund. The compunds are also used for games and physical education classes for the little ones.


Our Library is well stocked with books the children enjoy reading . We have a story telling tree and reading islands and children love the cosy ambience of the well lit library . We also have computers to motivate the pupils to do a little research work and empower themselves.


The wide ramp which traverses right up to the top floor is an added attraction of the school. The display on the first landing depicting under water marine life will take the students on a virtual tour of scuba diving. This will enable them to understand the importance of marine life thereby arousing the awareness of save water and preventing pollution. The display on the second landing depicting the solar system will deport the students to space to understand the importance of the planet Earth.

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